I wanted to take the time to write to you to express our sincere thanks for the excellent job you did catering for our 30th Wedding Anniversary.
From my very first enquiry right through to the party itself, you guys were simply brilliant! You will remember that, as I did with about 6 other catering companies, I left a voicemail message asking you to phone back regarding my event. Your response was rapid, and I know that you are very busy, but despite that I think you contacted me within a couple of hours, all the others, with the exception of one company, responded after a couple of days!. . .the remaining company has not responded to this day!
From that first conversation with you Maxine, I felt confident that you understood exactly what I wanted and then, when I met with you and Jeremy to go through the ‘fine detail’ I knew that I could leave it you to deliver!
And deliver you did, it was brilliant!..All our guests commented on the ‘excellent food’ and the ‘very nice staff’. “What a spread Steve, fantastic”. . .is what was said a lot!
You made it look seamless and simple. . .the mark of real professionals!. . .and what makes it eve better, you are a delight to work with.
I can’t thank you enough and you can be absolutely sure that when we need a top class catering company again, it will be you. . no doubt!
Very best wishes